jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Spanish Gastronomy

Would you like to eat something? GREAT !

We are going to show you some of most popular meals in Spain. It´s probably that you have listened about "tortilla de patata" . It´s really nice!

Would you like how to cook it? GO ON!

The first recipe is "Tortilla de Patata" o "Tortilla

If you want to get the recipe click on links!

TORTILLA ESPAÑOLA ( Tortilla de patata)

What do you think? Do you like it?

Well, the second recipe is "Paella" . Also is very popular and it´s really nice. Click on!


Oh! Are you hungry now? The following recipe is "Cocido" , very famous in our city , León.
Would you want to see how you can do it ? Click here.


Finally, the "Pulpo" is our last recipe. We are sure that you want to see how you can do it at home. Click here.

We hope that you have enjoiyed with this section and with these recipes of Spain that we want to show you.


3 comentarios:

  1. Wow, those buildings are really impressive! I wish we had stuff that old here in Boston. We don't really have anything older than the 1700's.

    The food also looks great. I love shrimp. maybe I should visit your city some day.


  2. Gracias por las recetas! Me gusta mucho cocinar. I think I will try cooking the Tortilla de Pata first, because it seems simple. The pulpo also sounds interesting, but I don't think the grocery stores in Boston sell octopus!

    -Tiffany B.

  3. Nunca e probado la tortilla española. ¡La tendré que ordenar la siguiente vez que voy a un restaurante Español! Si e probado la paella y me encanta. El pulpo no me gusta tanto. Creo que me da asco que puedes ver la piel del pulpo. Como los EEUU es una mezcla de gente de muchos países, no tenemos muchos platos tradiciones. Siempre me gusta tener la oportunidad de probar platos de otros países.
