jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Spain, Our Country


What´ s mean “siesta” ? Well, One of the aspects that most frequently surprised foreign visitors arriving Spain are the schedules.

Spain has chosen to retain their own customs. Overall, the day of Spaniards starts later and all activities of a normal day ( eating, working, entertainment, etc. ) are performed later than in the rest of the continent.

Surprisingly for foreign visitors that some establishments ( banks, offices, etc .. ) are closed in the afternoon and in the time for lunch ( during two or three hours) . Only establishments as shopping centers, some supermarkets and some shops are opened in the afternoon. Besides, At Sunday all stablishments are closed.

The famous "Spanish hour" is a problem in Spain, because only some people arrives on time at some place. Always people arrive five or ten minutes later or in spite of this arrive before ( only in some cases)

The Spanish people eat at two or three o´ clock and they eat more than in other countries because they don´ t have an abundant breakfast. Then, when they finish the abundant lunch they need to sleep some minutes, it´ s normally around thirty minutes , although some people sleep a lot. This is the “siesta” .

It´ s very famous in other countries the “siesta” and a lot of foreign people think that all Spanish people take the “siesta” after lunch. It´s not true , much people can´ t to take the “siesta” because they haven´ t go
t time for this.


Spain is very famous for this culture and this folk. We are going to show you some of this festivals.

At first, in February, the "Carn

The people disguise as they want with a lot of clothes and the make up with a lot of colours their body and their face. It’s very funny. The “Carnival” it’s very famous in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, it’s a Spanish island , and also in Cadiz , in the south of Spain.

In March, "Las Fallas" de Valencia, in the south-East of Spain. In this festival “ninots” ( big dolls) that represent celebrities and allegorical figures, are burned.
Would you
know it? Click here!


April is the month of Easter . Probably the most famous festival in Spain. In this festival is represented the die and de resurrection of Jesucristo ( He is the most important figure in the Spanish religion ).

In June, there are a lot of festivals where the fire is the protagonist. One of this and the most important is "Las noche de San Juan" in this festival some people make bonfires and then there are a lot of rituals, the people call have good luck throughout the year.

"Los Sanfermines" are carried out in Pamplona ( north-east of Spain ) in July. Most famous in this festival are “los encierros”, it’s a moment when a lot of people run ahead of the bulls around the city. There are a lot of people in this festival . Will try?

Ok. At first you could watch this video. Do you want to see how is an “encierro” ? Click this link!


"La virgen del pilar" ( patron saint of Spain ) is held in October. This saint is in Zaragoza , near Pamplona . It’s the day of Spanishness what remind us a great event for Spain which was the discovery of America.

In November, festival of "All Saints Day" , In this festival Spaniards went to the cemeteries to visit their families, friends , etc … who are died. They take them some presents as flowers.

Finally, in December, "Christmas", some days where normally all family are together. There are a lot of presents for our family, friends, etc … ( This is different than in other countries. Here “Los Reyes Magos” are responsible to bringing presents to all people ) and when the Spaniards celebrate the end of the year. Their names are "Melchor", "Gaspar" y "Baltasar"

Would you like to take part in this festivals ? They’re really great!


In spite of, a lot of foreign people think than in Spain all people are dancing “Flamenco” , it’s not true! There are a lot of type of music around different places in Spain.
Also, there are a lot of traditional music in Spain.
At this moment, there are some types of music as in other countries; for example: pop, rock, classic, etc. …

But, we want to show you some famous traditional music in our City, León. In this link you could see a video where many people are dancing the traditional song in León, La "Jota" . Besides, you could see the clothes that they are really beautiful and also you could heard the music; There are four instruments in traditional music in Leon.

At first, la "Dulzaina" , it´s a very important instrument because it plays the melody

Secondly the "pandereta" ( on the right) and "castañuelas" (on the left) , sometimes, they also play de rhythm,

And Finllay, the "Tambor" , it plays the rhythm

Well, and now, Would you want to see how people dance this type of music, and how these instruments are played? . If you want, click here

In this link you can see a group of traditional music from leon, they are dancing "Jotas" .

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola. Pienso que el concepto de la siesta es muy interesante. Oí que la siesta ocurría porque el caliente durante la tarde....

    Estuve en Mexico y la cultura de la comida y el tiempo parece muy similar de la de León. :)

  2. Saludos de los EEUU,

    Los sanfermines son locos! Me parece una fiesta de locura pero muy divertida. Ha ido alguno de ustedes a Pamplona para esta fiesta? Si ha ido, como fue?

    Tengo experiencia con la noche de San Juan. Vivía en valencia en el verano de 2005 y fui a la playa con mi huésped. Yo salté las 7 olas y tiré 3 deseos en el fuego (son tradiciones no?) Fue una experiencia llena de diversión. Como lo celebran en la ciudad de Ustedes sin la playa?
    Creo que las fiestas son uno de mis partes favoritos de la cultura española. Cuál es la suya?

    Hasta luego, Greg Tao

  3. Hi Greg Tao!!!
    It´s true, the "sanfermines" are really crazy but also is very fun!Last year my best friend was in the sanfermines and She told me that it was incredible! There, there are a lot of people and you can enjoy a lot because in this festivity, Pamplona´s city has a lot of people in the street, in the pubs , and in wherever you want to go.

    In Leon, "La noche de San Juan" is a very important festivity, there is a bonfire like in "Las fallas" de Valencia , at 12:00 pm it´s burnt and you can ask three wishes as you did in Valencia. Yes, there is a tradition but in our case we don´t jump the bonfire ;)

    ¿Qué es lo que mas me gusta de la cultura española?

    Sin duda me gusta mucho su grastronomía, el año pasado estube en el extranjero y echaba muchísimo de menos la comida española. También me gusta mucho su arquitectura , si has podido ver algo de esto habrás podido comprobar que hay lugares muy bonitos.
    No puedo negarte que las fiestas son increibles y que claro que me encantan :)

    See you!!

